Castañuelas del Sur Amateur
Amateur Fiber / Fibra Amateur
Color: Black
Level: Beginners
- Number 4 (3.5 x 2.7 inches) Adult Size
Includes a case (Orange or Green) / Incluye una funda
High-quality and long-lasting resin
Made in Spain
One (1) pair of castanets. One (1) castanet for each hand.
These amateur fiber castanets by Castañuelas del Sur brand are castanets for all those dancers or people who are starting with castanet classes or has some knowledge on how to play.
The amateur fiber castanet with V-Shaped Ear (Castañuela Fibra Amateur) is mechanically manufactured in high-quality and long-lasting resin.
Castañuelas del Sur is a business specialized in making castanets and they have more than 50 years of experience in the market.
Did you know?
- A male castanet (castañuela macho) which has the high-pitched sound (sonido más agudo)
- A female castanet (castañuela hembra) which has the low-pitched sound (sonido grave)
How can I differentiate the male castanet from the female castanet?
If you can't tell the difference between the sound, you can know because just the male castanet has a notch on the top of the castanet between the ear.
In which hand should I use the male castanet and female castanet?
- The male castanet which has the high-pitched sound is placed in the right hand.
- The female castanet which has the low-pitched sound in the left hand.
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